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Sponsor A Meal,

Be a Hero

The BIRDI Meal sponsorship program was put in place to help families in need.

Businesses and Families can sponsor meals.

We have single meal  sponsorships as well as multi-meal sponsorships.

Thank you meal sponsors

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How It Works

Please fill out the form below to let us know you are interested in being a sponsor. We will connect with you to discuss the details. We are receiving requests on a daily basis for families interested in receiving assistance with a meal donation. We are coordinating with these families in need to get them your sponsored meal! Sponsors can request to remain anonymous, as can recipients. 

BIRDI Golf is not a non profit. We are a local business focusing on remaining open and operational in these difficult times, while at the same time, doing good for the communities we serve.  Thank you for your support.

Sponsor A Meal

Thank you, we'll be in touch!

Connect With Us
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1750 Weir Dr. Woodbury, MN 55128
(494 & Valley Creek Rd - In the Valley Creek Mall)

Hours of Operation

Mon-Thursday: 10am - 10pm
Friday:  10am - Midnight
Saturday:  9am - Midnight
Sunday:  9am
- 10pm

*Hours may vary

©2021 BIRDI Golf Inc. All rights reserved.
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